Gütersloh, 31th January, 2020
Bread and Baked Goods Group MESTEMACHER
Mestemacher puts a new Group executive body in place 1.9 % growth in turnover
New executive body to guide the Group into the future.
+++ Chairperson of the Group executive board, as prima inter pares and
Group spokeswoman, Prof Dr Ulrike Det-mers: “This is how Fit for Future can succeed”
+++ Sales up 1.9 % compared to the previous year
+++ Stable demand for high-fibre bread specialities, both domestically and abroad
+++Nutri scoring to be completed by 31/12/2020

Industrial bakery MESTEMACHER: New management team and steering committee: (f. l.) Marta Glowacka, Prof Dr Ulrike Detmers (spokesperson), Fritz Detmers, Anita Bruns-Thedieck, Albert Detmers, Käthi Penner and Kim Folmeg. Photo: FOTOsession

Family bakery MESTEMACHER: Owners with new management team and steering committee: (f. l.) Marta Glowacka, Prof Dr Ulrike Detmers (spokesperson), Kim Folmeg, Fritz Detmers, Anita Bruns-Thedieck, Helma Detmers, Albert Detmers and Käthi Penner. Photo: FOTOsession