The objectives of this activity, which was launched in the year 2002, include:
– The exposition of economic competency of female economic specialists in the male domain of economy
– Promotion of an economic culture, designed both by women and men
– Presentation of female role models for prospective female junior managers
Competent women are to be highlighted in the male domain of economy, who are refuting established ideas about female characteristics. Such women are assertive and profit-oriented. They serve as role models to female junior managers.
The philosophy
The award is oriented in the principles of gender mainstreaming. Both on a European level and in the Federal Republic of Germany, gender mainstreaming focuses on systematic involvement of both genders in the arrangement of all patterns of human existence. Particularly it is a matter of sexual equality in the occupancy of top positions of politics and economy.
The initiator of this prize is Prof. Dr. Ulrike Detmers.
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